Any Disability Symbol


I spend a lot of my time with clients talking about toilets. It's a topic relevant to every project we do and a constant discussion when we’re working out how people will find their way around a space. 

The new Any Disability symbol fulfils a genuine need. It both encourages access to inclusive toilets for all who need them and educates the general public about the prevalence of invisible disabilities.

For people with both visible and invisible disabilities, the big thing when it comes to toilets is the need for speed. We used the new inclusive pictograms to help with the toilet journeys at the newly-refurbished Alnwick Playhouse, so customers can find the toilets quickly.

I’m always looking for ways to make our wayfinding and signage more inclusive. Since the launch of the Any Disability symbol, I’m talking about and offering its use on all new client projects and I’m pleased to report that, so far, it’s been embraced across all sectors. 

 Join the conversation @sarahs_notebook #Talking Toilets

Sarah Phillips, Picto