Inclusive Symbols

The story of how the symbols came to life

Symbols appear in various situations in our daily lives. From wayfinding signs in public places, and on product packaging, to information on brochures and websites.

Many symbols can be difficult to understand – especially for people with cognitive impairment.


In a workshop with people living with dementia, the design team observed that many everyday symbols could be better. They approached The Life Changes Trust to fund the design development and testing of a new inclusive set of symbols.

The aim was to work with people living with dementia to co-create a set of symbols that would work best for the whole of society. The new symbols would be easily understood, increase independence and confidence, and enable people to live life well.




The process

Research was conducted to identify which symbols were difficult to understand, and to investigate the feasibility of designing new symbols that were more effective for people living with dementia. The research found significant difficulties with clarity of design, and understanding of meaning. The report is available here.

Following the research, a process of designing and testing the symbols was developed – integrating feedback from each testing phase to inform each new design phase.


This co-creation process listened to more than 2,000 people with and without dementia living across the UK. Participants contributed their feedback on their understanding of each symbol: the content and detail, any colours used, and the impact of specific words that accompany symbols on signs. The report is available here.

The Standards Development Team at BSI has been involved from the start, demonstrating clear support for our drive to create and embed better symbols for people living with dementia and the whole of society.

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About The Life Changes Trust

The Life Changes Trust is a charity that invests in and supports the empowerment and inclusion of people living with dementia.

With all of its funded projects, Life Changes Trust evaluates the evidence produced and assesses the impact. It produces learning reports and commissions independent evaluations to influence policy and practice in Scotland, both locally and nationally, drawing on this learning and listening closely to people living with dementia.
